In our life we see things as we want to
see them. We shape our own perceptions and in this we wrap our life
up in nice little packages. We accept doses of how things should be
in small easy to consume individually wrapped slices. We sample and
never really take a bite out of things. Those that do openly feast on
life are often times ridiculed and shunned for being so brazen. They
enjoy life, when of course they should be emaciated and miserable. In
this I am not talking about that spare tire that droops over your
belt kind of self indulgence, but the kind that makes your heart
happy. It is the one that you experience when your soul sores and you
are truly free to actually enjoy the world around you.
We get tied down to tomorrows that
never come, and we reflect on the past so much we forget to watch
where our feet are now. When the only thing we really have is this
moment right here. Nothing more exist than this moment, yet we are so
worried about the next that we forget to enjoy it. Not that wild
abandon of a self loathing addict, but the true joy that comes from
understanding the miracle in every breath. There is joy out there,
there is joy in all things, but we are the being douche canoes and
refuse to see it.
When is the last time you declared to
yourself that you loved anything? I am not talking about someone, but
something? Some action, or movement? When is the last time you feel
in love with a hot shower, or a warm bowl of oatmeal? When is the
last time you actually enjoyed a moment without regard to the next
moment? I am writing this tired as hell of course, so bare with me
and try to follow my train of thought.
We are only as happy as we let
ourselves be. Love is there if only we can love ourselves. There is
not promise of tomorrow, and the past is set in stone. Regrets are
the parking tickets for those sitting on the side of the road. Do
something, allow yourself to enjoy it, and get into life and off your
ass. You wonder what it would be like to sky dive? Well don't wonder,
go out and try it. You wonder what a beer taste like at Oktoberfest
in Nuremberg? Go, try it. You can make excuses, but you only got this
life right now.
You could die at any time. When you are
pushing up daises and waiting to meet your maker, are you going to be
sitting there looking at some bucket list filled with regrets and
self loathing? Or are you going to say you used up this life like a
good pair of running shoes. That is how I look at my body and this
shot in this world. It is something to be used up. It is a disposable
plastic cup with your name on it. You can either go to the party, or
you can let it get tossed in the recycle bin. Personally I am gonna
go into the after life with a fucking hangover of epic portions, so
high on life that my head will throb for at least part of the after
There are many stories to be had. There
are many yet to be written. My breath is my pen, and the rest of the
world is full of some self loathing Emo pussies, so I know the lines
to good rides will be short. Think about this when you go to bed
tonight, what would my eulogy say about me? What things have I wanted
to do but let fear keep from me?
Some people go through life, others run
through it and knock it on its ass while they do a touch down dance.
So make things happen, enjoy the moment and stop being one of those
self loathing assholes. Life is worth loving. Life is worth giving a
chance. Breath my friend, just breath. Chase those dreams and feast
on life. It will bring a smile to you when you are looking at death,
and make that Grim Reaper nervous as shit when they come to collect