Alright people enough is a fucking
nuff. I am actually getting pissed, and I while people think I am
pissed off all the time those that actually know me know this not to
be true. I am just direct and I call it as I see it. It is not about
being PC, because PC is soft shoe bullshit that I do not have time
for. When I get pissed it is something that few people have seen, and
it is not the loud opinionated diatribe that I spew out on this page.
When I am actually pissed, it is efficient and painful. I severe the
ties to what is causing me to be painful. I do this by means that are
the fastest and easiest for me. This means the source of my anger is
not given consideration as to their precious little feelings. So
trust me when I say you do not want me to be angry with you. I will
drop you like a bad habit, and if you choose to get back up and try
to hang onto what ever issue it is that makes you feel so damn self
righteous, I will drop you and not in the social sense. I mean it
physically and with a finality that few will or could understand.
That being said I am going to but this
out and say this is my life, this is not the game show of the same
fucking name either. There is not team jerseys or sides being drawn
here. There is change going on in my life, good or bad, this change
is happening. Those that the change affects are dealing with that
that change in a logical manner and doing what is best for parties
involved. Those not involved can remain not involved. There is no
need for you to nose into my business, and start being team me or
team somebody else. Seriously when did you graduate high school, and
when you did were you able to leave that childish gossip girl
bullshit behind? I left that world two fucking decades ago. That
means I have been out of public school a damn sight longer than I was
in it.
So with that, I want people to think
about this long and hard. This might help you out in your own life.
So some of the things I have going on that are just not coming to
light have been brewing for years, and you are just now finding out
about them. What does that mean, or at least what should that mean?
It means that my laundry is my laundry and I have no need to wave it
in your face. I keep my private life private, because that is just
what it is, private. I share some of my private thoughts, but that
does not give you a VIP backstage pass into my life. I will talk to
you about soldiering issues. I will share my insights into the human
condition, but what I do behind closed doors is just that, done
behind closed doors and none of your damn business. If I bring
something out from behind that door, it is not for you to decide
right or wrong, choose sides, or attempt to fix it.
I am a big boy. I have lived my life
and learned from my mistakes. I do not see life like you, but I do
believe in reason. So I can and have worked out troubles in my life
with thought, and even with some weight offered to desire. I have
worked out things with people that care about long before I met you.
I have had several relationships social and sexual before I met any
of you. I can work shit out on my own and I do not need you to wear
the Team me jersey. I do not need you to change my diaper, and I do
not need you to vilify myself, groups or people I am dealing with to
satisfy your own ego. Some shit is just what it is. There are two
sides to all stories, and sometimes there is no bad guy. Sometimes
the situation just sucks and neither party is right or wrong.
So in that, if you don't have a fucking
clue what is going on in someones life shut the fuck up and keep your
opinion to yourself. If you have not walked the same miles in the
same shoes, be there for support and take guidance from them, but do
not jump to the annoying cheerleader immediately. Just because they
do not agree with you does not make them evil or out to get you, it
makes them human. Sometimes there is no side that is not piled in
shit and holding up a turd to the air and declaring it awesome does
not make that turd awesome. Life is suffering, so let people suffer
without you declaring to the world that their suffering is better
than everyone else. If you take my laundry out of the hamper and try
to wave it like a flag understand that I will knock your fucking
teeth out. If I ask you to help me to put in the washer, cool, but if
I don't you got no right to go through my basket. I am a basket case,
I know this, we all are. I do not wear my dirty laundry in public
though. If I do, then and only then do you get the right to say
anything about it. Until then, shut the fuck up and stay out of my
basket. You wear my sweaty underwear on your head and its gonna be
more embarrassing when you are knocked out and laying there with
those undies shoved down your throat.
If this does not make sense to you,
insert any event going on in your life, or the life of another
person. If this still does not make sense, ask yourself when is the
last time we hung out and talked. If it has been awhile, you have
probably been cut out of my life. Why? Because you are not my dry
cleaner, and I do not want you near my laundry. It is probably
because you are a loud mouth drama lama that feels the need to share
other peoples issues with the world s you do not look so bad, or
maybe you are worse and do so, so people can see your issues as
worse. One up everybody else because some how that makes your
suffering more valid. So you use others as a smoke screen or a
magnifying glass, and this doesn't make sense to you, because you are
not a part of my life. The rest of you that get it, cool. Let me know
the next time we are going to have a beer, break bread, or just sit
and talk about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
MMMmmmmm Beer
ReplyDeleteYou know it takes a lot to say something like that when you post anonymously. I am not, never have been, nor claimed be a punk ass gangster. Seriously douche bag, you got my name, I will tell you how to find me. If you don't care about my private life, then don't read it, don't reply and take your dumb ass out and get a job. You are making me smile, because you are exactly the type of person I write about. So why don't you crawl out of your mothers basement and get into something people actually care about you walking cum stain.