Today I went downtown after class for a bit. Three weeks Denver has established its own version of the depression era Hooverville. Occupy Denver was in full swing. That is exactly what it was too, in full swing. You see in baseball almost every batter takes a swing, but its when they connect that something actually happens. I got the impression from being there and talking to the masses that it was lacking connection. The common theme was outrage, but it was rage without action. Yes it had a general direction it was directed at, the rich, but beyond that there was very little connection.
You see I am a soldier. As a soldier I know that action is only part of the equation. Plan of Action is the full statement. While there is some solidarity forming on the digital media, it is so broad and lacking focus that it is hard to believe it could gather momentum. Oddly enough though the movement as a nation wide cause seems to be gathering just that. It is a united cause of anger. People are pissed, and most of them are pissed for their own reasons. Most of those reasons are valid, but come on, we all get pissed. You need to know what to do about it, or at least listen to propositions as to how to deal with it.
I walked about the police, and the protesters alike. The police were very cordial, and many ready to share their opinion. Most of the police had no real understanding of why the protesters were out there. I talked to state cops, and Denver cops, making sure that if I moved into the masses to talk to the protesters that I was not going to be greeted with pepper spray, and given a night of accommodation in our lovely Denver jail. They assured me that worst was over, and they just wanted to clear the tents and structures out of Veterans Park, not the protesters. They held no ill will towards the protesters, and that seem genuine. However to reiterate they had no clue as to why the protesters were even there.
After I was assured that things were not going to get ugly I proceeded into the mass of the occupants. The crowd had thinned as their temporary shelters were being relocated, however a good amount were still holding onto to their little piece of concrete in front of the state capitol. As I mingled with the die hard's, I noted the a few things. First and foremost, those that had been in attendance for the whole three weeks seemed to have forgotten about personal hygiene. Yes I understand that living in a tent for a few weeks can take its toll on your aroma, but I think more then a few ignored these personal habits well before taking to the streets. The second thing that hit me was the age of the crowd. Most that remained where young, and that only a few older more professional people were there to lend support to the cause.
I talked to one nurse, a retired preacher, and a few veterans. They made up less then a quarter of those still in attendance. While they were a bit cleaner, and more focused, they too seemed a bit unfocused, yet ready to express their anger. The nurse was employed, and had taken the time off from work to be there, however she may not have been the most credible person to talk to. She had her right hand wrapped in an Ace Wrap, and claimed to have been injured by the Police while they moved out the structures. Yet she could not offer details as to how she was hurt, she only kept telling me about the fact she was hurt. When I asked her directly about how the injury was actually received it was greeted with the same response. "They hurt me, they did this." "How did they do that?" "They hurt me, they did this." "Did they grab you? Did they attempt to arrest you?" "They hurt me, they did this."
The other thing I gathered from talking to the protesters was that many of them had not participated in elections since 2008. Most of them voted in the presidential race, but could not recall how or even if they voted on local issues, local government positions, or even other federal offices. Over eighty percent of those I talked to, could not name the current mayor of Denver. Not one of the people I talked to could name a single opponent to the mayor in this most recent election. When I asked questions about the actual issues they were here to protest it was greeted with as much vague statements as news offered. When I asked who they were mad at, I was given the same target at least, Wall Street. However when I talked to them about why they were upset, it was uneducated dribble.
You see its not Wall Street that took away the jobs. It is not Wall Street that foreclosed on their houses. It is not enough to hate someone for having more then you. You have to have to understand the process of how and why you are in the situation you are in. You need to understand that business did not take the jobs away, we did that. We did that by not being active in our own government. We let corporate sponsored candidates into office by not being active in our own system. We let people vote in favor of those giving them campaign donations, which you can't blame them right? Someone gets you a job you thank them. They take care of you, and you take care of them. Then we do not hold them accountable for using our vote to do so.
If I got anything from this, talking to the Occupants of Denver, the Denver PD, and the lookie loos running about, is that we made this bed. We the people stopped caring. We stopped voting. We stopped being aware of the government that represents us. We lost an understanding, and we gave into a sense of entitlement that is breaking us. Yes we have the right to be mad, but fuck people, think about why you are mad in the first place. You know we all have responsibility in this mess. We have no right to blame it on a concept. Wall Street is a concept, and its not even the right concept. The Federal Reserve is not Federally ran. The president is not elected by popular vote. Banks are in it to make money, not look out for your interest. The American dream is still out there, but it is not a right, the pursuit of it is the only right.
I am happy that so many people are ready to use their voice. I am happy that people are flexing their Constitutional rights. I am happy that people are pissed, finally. However please be willing to do more then bitch, and educate yourself. Sure you can live in a fantasy world of free this, and free that, but you are not entitled to anything other then access to things. Take responsibility for yourself and your needs. Last but definitely not least, if you are going to preach about your rights, protected by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, at least read the damn thing. Develop a plan, and do something other then take up space. Fuck Occupy anything. How about you take a swing and connect, and do something in the game. Make something happen, and engage the War on Stupid.
You want to be heard, vote all the assholes that aren't listening to you out of office. If the new guys aren't listening, vote them out. Offer solutions to those you vote for, for the problems you have. If you hand somebody a bag of shit and say "fix this", don't get pissed when they fix it in a way you don't like. You have just as much responsibility for your life, and should have more then them. Get your head out of the sand, be angry, but also be ready to manage that anger. A five year old can be pissed, but an adult can be pissed and thinks of ways to be get happy.